IvyWise Webinars

A Look Inside Stanford with Former Admissions Directors


Wednesday, June 12
6pm ET



With over 3,000 four-year institutions in the U.S., it can be difficult to develop an understanding of what makes each university unique.  In this IvyWise Live series, our college admissions counselors shed some light on the schools where they used to work and recruit, sharing some of the factors that make each university stand out.  You will learn about majors and activities available at each campus, campus culture and fun traditions, and tips to keep in mind during the admissions process.

Join IvyWise college admissions counselors Kelly and Mike, both former admissions directors at Stanford, for an inside look at Stanford.  Whether you are beginning the college search process or finalizing your list, this is a great opportunity to learn all about Stanford from those who used to recruit and admit students to the university.

There will be a live Q&A session following their presentation, allowing attendees to have their questions about college admissions answered directly by IvyWise experts.

We will provide all registrants with a link to the recording of the webinar after the event.

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Online event

Webinar link will be sent by email upon registration.

Meet Our Experts

Former Admissions Officer at Stanford University

Former Assistant Director of Admissions at Stanford University

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