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Tag: College Lists

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College Lists

Thursday, March 21, 2024
A Former Admissions Officer’s Hidden Gem Colleges

A Former Admissions Officer’s Hidden Gem Colleges

It can be a daunting process for students to identify the 12-15 best-fit schools for their college list. IvyWise college admissions counselors Nat and Tasha explain how students should consider their interests, goals, and preferences to begin the college search process. WATCH NOW Nearly 3,000 degree-granting post-secondary institutions dot the American higher education landscape.
Monday, February 26, 2024
How to Choose an Independent Counselor

How to Choose an Independent Counselor

The college admissions process has long been a rite of passage but has arguably become more stressful in recent years as admission rates at selective institutions continue to drop. Plus, more students are continuing on to college, and each student, on average, is applying to more colleges than ever before. There are thousands of wonderful colleges and universities for students to consider, but many applicants are drawn toward a smaller number of schools considered “top schools” based on various rankings, adding to the already competitive nature of college admissions.
Wednesday, September 6, 2023
Criteria for a Strong College List

Criteria for a Strong College List

By Carolyn, IvyWise College Admissions Counselor Welcome to the first real, concrete step you will take toward deciding which college you will call home for the next few years of your life! The process of building your college application list should begin in the fall or spring of your junior year, though you may have begun visiting schools, attending events, and reflecting on your preferences before then. Your goal is to have a strong list of schools you plan to apply to by early fall of your senior year, ideally before the school year begins.
Thursday, February 4, 2021
Colleges with No Application Fees

Colleges with No Application Fees

Students must weigh many considerations when compiling their list of best-fit colleges, including application fees. Many universities include a fee that prospective students must pay when submitting their applications unless the student qualifies for fee waivers. However, there are a number of colleges without an accompanying application fee.
Monday, August 3, 2020
How to Find Your Best-Fit College

How to Find Your Best-Fit College

There are so many factors to consider when choosing a college. Students are thinking about everything from, “does this school offer the major I want to pursue?” to “will there be pick-up games of ultimate Frisbee on the quad?
Thursday, April 29, 2021
All-Women’s Colleges: What They Offer and What to Consider

All-Women’s Colleges: What They Offer and What to Consider

I’ve spent a lot of time over the past several years thinking about the answer to one (admittedly nerdy, very college counselor-y) question: If I could go to college all over again, which school would I choose? I attended a medium-sized research institution in a major city in the southern U.S.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018
Should You Care About College Rankings?

Should You Care About College Rankings?

College rankings are often the first exposure that many students have to the concept of a “college list.” It’s easy to become familiar with a few “name brand” schools after seeing them at the top of a list, but what does that number actually mean? And should college rankings play a part in your college list research?
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Colleges That Feel Like Hogwarts

Dr. Kat’s List: Colleges That Feel Like Hogwarts

Having grown up with the Harry Potter books and films, many students want to attend a campus that is reminiscent of what they have read or seen in author J.K. Rowling’s fantastical world.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Equestrians

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Equestrians

In May the most famous jockeys and racehorses saddle up for one of the biggest racing events in the US, the Kentucky Derby. While the races are an exciting time of year and allow horse lovers of all ages the chance to cheer for their favorites, there's more to equestrianism than fancy hats and race day fun. There are many facets of the horse business that require extensive education and experience.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Future Entrepreneurs

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Future Entrepreneurs

Should entrepreneurs invest in a college education? Many may doubt the need for creative, driven, self-starters to spend time in a classroom when they could be working on entrepreneurial endeavors. However, as we all know, there’s always more to learn and much of that can be gained in the classroom before experiencing it in the real world.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Biology

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Biology

Biology might seem like it’s just slides, cells, microscopes, and DNA models, but there’s a lot more to it than sitting in a lab all day. From conserving farm and grazing land, to developing new disease-resistant plants, to researching cures for a myriad of diseases, there’s a lot of biology that goes into making sure the things you use every day, especially during the holiday season, are safe for you and the environment. There are many different elements of the study of biology that can prepare you for a job in the lab or out in the field.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Future Veterinarians

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for Future Veterinarians

Admission to science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) programs has become increasingly competitive, so it's important to do your homework when it comes to identifying programs that meet your academic and career goals. We've covered other schools for various STEM programs previously, but one STEM major or track that frequently flies under students' radars is veterinary medicine. While much of veterinary medicine is taught in veterinary school post-undergrad, there are several undergraduate animal science and pre-veterinary programs that can put you on track for graduate admissions from day one of your freshman year.
Friday, February 12, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for International Relations

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for International Relations

In an increasingly global environment, international relations is becoming more relevant and popular as a course of study at colleges throughout the U.S. If you dream of being a United Nations ambassador, a volunteer for the Peace Corps, or maybe even the President of the United States, the expert counselors at IvyWise have compiled a list of schools where you can get a global perspective on cross-cultural interactions.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for STEM Majors

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges for STEM Majors

STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) is a hot topic in higher education, with many colleges expanding their STEM programs in order to meet student demand. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, “employment in occupations related to STEM is projected to grow to more than 9 million between 2012 and 2022.” Students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math have a variety of college options – from specialized institutions to large universities and small private colleges.
Friday, January 29, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges Where You Can Express Your Poetic Voice

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges Where You Can Express Your Poetic Voice

Whether you love Emily Dickinson's slanted rhyme, Allen Ginsberg's beats, or Langston Hughes' Renaissance jazz, you have many college options to study this literary art form. If you'd like to pursue your passion for poetry in college — be it writing, history, analysis, or performance — the expert counselors at IvyWise have identified five great schools where you can find poetic inspiration. The English literature department at this public university offers students interested in writing or studying poetry the opportunity to pursue a poetry sub-concentration or fulfill requirements for a general English concentration.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges with Unique Study Abroad Programs

Dr. Kat’s List: Five Colleges with Unique Study Abroad Programs

College is about learning and growing, and there’s no better way to gain a new perspective of the world than to study abroad! Many colleges offer varying study abroad opportunities, either for an entire academic year, a semester, or just a few weeks. By studying abroad, students are able to gain a global perspective, hone foreign language skills, discover a different side of their academic study, and benefit from international networking experience.
Thursday, February 11, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Great Colleges for Connecting with Loyal Alumni

Dr. Kat’s List: Great Colleges for Connecting with Loyal Alumni

Seniors are finally graduating, and very soon some will attend colleges with alumni networks that are stronger than those of other schools. Throughout my time in college admissions, though, I’ve noticed a few colleges where graduates really go above and beyond to help one another out—an undoubtedly useful quality when students need help getting a foot in the door. Please note that these institutions are listed alphabetically, rather than by rank: There’s a much-loved rumor among Middlebury students that their alumni have one of the highest rates (if not the highest rate) of inter-alumni marriage.
Tuesday, February 9, 2016
Dr. Kat’s List: Top Colleges for Saving the Environment

Dr. Kat’s List: Top Colleges for Saving the Environment

Sustainability has become a hot topic in the past few years, and with the 40th anniversary of Earth Day coming up this month, everyone is talking about reducing their carbon footprint. We've compiled a list of schools that strive to be environmentally friendly, facilitate “green” volunteer opportunities, and provide an academic setting focused on sustainability. If you’re passionate about saving the planet, or just interested in learning more about using less, these schools might give you the knowledge you need to go green.
Friday, June 30, 2023
How to Research College Options

How to Research College Options

By Kimberly, IvyWise College Admissions Counselor The decision as to where and how a student continues their post-secondary education is not one to be made lightly and requires a lot of self-reflection and consideration. At IvyWise, we recommend that students spend significant time learning as much as they can about their college options. While the best source of information is to visit campus to see the institution in action, this is not always possible due to time, cost, transportation, or other factors.
Friday, February 12, 2016
How to Research a College Effectively

How to Research a College Effectively

One of the most important aspects of the college admissions process is identifying the schools that are good academic and social fits for you. To ensure that you are applying to a balanced list of reach, target, and likely schools where you will be happy and successful, extensively research each school before adding it to your list. In addition to helping you narrow down your choices now, down the road this research will also enable you to personalize your applications and communicate to an admissions committee why you want to attend that school.
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
How to Know If You Have Too Many “Reach” Schools

How to Know If You Have Too Many “Reach” Schools

It's important to dream big when planning for your future, but college bound students also need to dream smart when it comes to their college lists. A list too heavy on “reach” schools leads to an unbalanced college list and a greater chance of students being left with few offers of admission come decision day. Ideally, students will apply to a list of “target,” “likely,” and “reach” colleges.
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