Seniors: Get a head start on your college apps this summer!

Tag: Executive Functioning

IvyWise Resources

Executive Functioning

Tuesday, September 29, 2020
4 Skills Middle Schoolers Need to Develop Now for College Prep

4 Skills Middle Schoolers Need to Develop Now for College Prep

We say this all the time: the earlier you start on college prep the better. But how early is early? The reality is that colleges look at everything from 9th grade on – meaning students need to show up to day one of high school ready to go.
Friday, April 29, 2022
What Are Executive Functioning Skills and How to Improve Them this Summer

What Are Executive Functioning Skills and How to Improve Them this Summer

In this webinar, IvyWise’s WiseStart™ Counselor Christine and Executive Functioning Coach Lorenza will explain how building a strong foundation of executive functioning skills at a young age sets a student up for future success in the college application process and beyond. Watch now From helping you manage time and attention to solving problems and maintaining emotional control, executive functioning skills are invaluable for navigating the complexities of daily life and achieving your goals. These cognitive processes can have a significant impact on your quality of life.
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