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IvyWise Blog


Grades: How to Identify Problems and when to Ask for Help

Many colleges are known for getting creative with their essay prompts, sometimes asking weird and wacky questions to encourage students to dig for thoughtful, creative responses. Another way some colleges are shaking up the college admissions process is with college application videos.

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6 Tips for Recording a College Application Video

Many colleges are known for getting creative with their essay prompts, sometimes asking weird and wacky questions to encourage students to dig for thoughtful, creative responses. Another way some colleges are shaking up the college admissions process is with college application videos.

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Class of 2028 Admission Rates

Students navigating the college admissions process continue to experience unique challenges and changes, including the announcement of an entirely digital SAT, continued test-optional policies, increasing application numbers, and each student applying to more colleges on average. All of this has led to an even more competitive year at the most selective colleges in the U.S., while other schools plan to admit more students than ever before in order to manage enrollment numbers.

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How to Get into USC: All You Need to Know

The University of Southern California — or USC, as it’s best known — is a top research university and one of the most selective schools in the country. Located in sunny Los Angeles, California, it’s been a pioneer in academic and research initiatives since its beginnings in 1880.

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How to Pace Yourself on the ACT and SAT

The SAT and ACT are the most often used exams for college admissions in the U.S., and given that they are standardized, they must be taken under strict time constraints. Students can struggle with the limited amount of time per question, leaving points on the table when they’re unable to finish certain sections. Simple pacing strategies, however, can help students improve their test performance and overall scores.

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5 FAQs I Get as a Counselor and Former Admissions Officer

In a recent interview on the Smartless podcast, renowned scientist and MIT professor Max Tegmark was asked how he explains his job to people he just met. If he doesn’t feel like talking to the person asking, he explained, he simply says he works in physics, which is boring and confusing enough that there are typically no follow-up questions.

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How to Get into MIT: All You Need to Know

Join IvyWise college admissions counselors Katie, Mari, and Tiffany, each former admissions directors at MIT, for an inside look at MIT.  Whether you are beginning the college search process or finalizing your list, this is a great opportunity to learn all about MIT from those who used to recruit and admit students to the university.

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How to Get into New York University: All You Need to Know

With a location in the heart of New York City and an array of top-ranked academic programs, it’s easy to understand why so many students place New York University at the top of their college best-fit lists. The institution has plenty of research and learning opportunities to offer, as well as all of the advantages associated with going to school in a major metropolitan city.

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How to Set Effective College Prep Goals

Setting goals is a great way to motivate yourself to achieve something that’s meaningful to you. And if getting into college is a major goal, then you can break it down into smaller, more manageable steps related to academic performance and expanding your knowledge in areas of interest. These two go together, and both are important for college admissions.  

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Academic Advising 101: What Is Academic Advising?

Most people understand what teachers, guidance counselors, and professors do. Yet, there is a lot of uncertainty about an adjacent educational career that is just as important: academic advisor. You can find academic advisors at colleges and universities or work with one outside of campus.

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