Seniors: Get a head start on your college apps this summer!

Category: College Prep

Vanderbilt University: A Legacy of Academic Excellence and Innovation

Thursday, July 13, 2023
Peabody Lawn on the Vanderbilt University campus

Founded in 1873, Vanderbilt University is a private research institution known globally for its strong academic programs and research opportunities. This close-knit campus community is located in the heart of Nashville, Tennessee, and offers a college experience unlike anything else. While not an Ivy League school, Vanderbilt is known as a “Southern Ivy” because of its highly selective admissions process and stellar academic reputation.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Different Types of Colleges in the U.S.

Thursday, July 6, 2023
A stone arch hallway at a university with unidentified female in the distance

Students who are starting to research undergraduate programs can easily be overwhelmed by information. It’s not just a matter of which schools to apply to, but which type. Different types of colleges and universities offer different campus environments, class sizes, and program offerings, among other things. 

Let’s examine the different types of U.S. colleges you may come across.   

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What to Expect During Your Dartmouth College Interview

Thursday, June 29, 2023

grad school interview

Dartmouth, like many colleges and universities, invites applicants to interview. However, these interviews are not conducted by the admissions committee but alumni volunteers. The college does not offer campus interviews. 

If you’re invited to an interview, it’s perfectly normal to be nervous. Being prepared can help boost your confidence, so keep reading to learn what to expect and for tips on acing the interview. 

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The Essential Guide to Acing the College Application Process

Thursday, April 13, 2023

Happy student celebrating that he got into collegeWhile the application process may seem intimidating at first, every student’s college admissions journey is an opportunity to discover more about themselves and their academic goals. With the right strategy, all students will be able to identify their own best-fit schools and showcase why they deserve a spot on campus.  

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ChatGPT in College Admissions

Thursday, March 30, 2023
ChatGPT in college admissions writing an essay

If you’ve been paying attention to education or technology news lately, you’ve likely heard a lot about ChatGPT, the new tool from OpenAI that generates astonishingly human-like text based on prompts and questions submitted by the user. We have been getting a lot of questions about this tool and how it should or should not be used in the college application process. Because this is a new advancement and I am far from a technological expert, I thought it would be best to pose these questions to the tool itself.

The italic text below represents the responses I received when I submitted the following questions to the ChatGPT tool. Some responses have been shortened for space and relevancy, but otherwise no changes have been made.

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The Importance of Early College Preparation

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The college process can feel overwhelming, especially when students get a late start. From compiling a best-fit list to writing essays, there are many steps in the college application process. Consequently, we always encourage students to start early and build executive functioning skills that will serve them throughout college and beyond. While high school is undoubtedly a crucial time, there are several steps students and families can take to start preparing long before ninth grade.

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Which AP and IB Courses Count for College Credit and How?

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

A group of high school students on their way to AP and IB courses to earn college credit.Taking AP or IB courses doesn’t just look good from a college admissions perspective—these classes can also translate into college credit once a student enrolls. While policies vary by college, many universities will grant college credits that go towards specific course requirements, in turn allowing students to free up some room in their schedules. Even if AP and IB courses are only applied towards a student’s overall credit count, completing advanced classes is a great way to get a jump start on college.

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When to Use a Comma to Separate Phrases — and Other Comma Questions

Friday, February 10, 2023

By Carolyn, IvyWise College Admissions Counselor

In eighth grade, my English teacher Mrs. Houlihan told me that I was the only student in my class who knew how and when to use a comma. That feedback stuck with me, not just because it made me feel like the greatest student of all time (which, let’s be honest, I totally was), but because it made me realize the awesome power of the comma. For such a tiny piece of punctuation, the comma packs a mighty punch, in that using it correctly or incorrectly is one of the most glaring signs that a writer either does or does not know what they’re doing.

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Figuring Out Your College Visit Packing List

Friday, January 27, 2023

What to take on college visitsEvery college visit is a crucial part of the college search process. After all, the best way to learn about a college and its campus is to actually experience it first-hand. The spring semester is a great time to start planning college visits, as students have upcoming spring breaks that they can use to travel.

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Study Tips for High School Students

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

Young female student study in the school  library.She using laptop and learning online.

The key to good grades is studying the material so that students understand the concepts and can apply them in the classroom. However, many students don’t practice effective study methods in high school, causing them to either memorize and forget information, or not fully grasp the concepts. These bad study habits can roll over into college – making the transition into a college course load even more difficult. You can avoid this by following some simple but effective study tips.

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IvyWise Students Share Their Top College Prep Tips

Wednesday, December 28, 2022

For current high school seniors, the college application season is in full swing. We caught up with our Class of 2023 IvyWise Scholars to learn more about their college admissions journeys, what it’s like to work with IvyWise during this process, and get some of their college prep tips for other college-bound students.

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5 Ways to Narrow Down Your College List

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Student writing college admissions thank you notesFinalizing your list of best-fit schools is one of the most important steps of the college application process. Between writing supplemental essays, finalizing personal statements, and requesting letters of recommendation, there’s a lot that students need to prioritize – and often, they put off the difficult task of narrowing down their long list of best-fit schools. Keep reading to learn more about what you should keep top of mind so that you can narrow down your college list and stay ahead of the game on all of your applications.

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How to Get Into Brown University: All You Need to Know

Friday, October 28, 2022

As a leading research university and a member of the Ivy League, it’s easy to see why many students have their sights set on Brown University. The school has many top-tier programs, in addition to a dual degree program with neighboring Rhode Island School of Design.

Since Brown University has a stellar reputation and receives thousands of applicants each year, students must go the extra mile to get a seat in the upcoming class. Read on to learn the best practices that applicants can utilize to increase their chances of admission and  what sets Brown University apart.

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How to Get Into Harvard: All You Need to Know

Wednesday, September 21, 2022

Casual day reading writing on laptop outdoor university collegeWhen it comes to college acceptances, many applicants view Harvard as the gold standard for admissions success. While the Ivy League college may not be a best-fit option for every student, there’s no doubt that plenty of future applicants are eager to gain a seat in Harvard’s next class of admitted students. So what does it really take to get in?

How to Get Into Harvard University: Table of Contents

When to Apply to Harvard University How Hard Is It to Get Into Harvard: Early Prep How Do You Actually Get Into Harvard: The Application Class Profile What Makes Harvard University Unique? When to Apply to Harvard University

Getting into Harvard is a major accomplishment and it doesn’t happen overnight. Gaining a seat at the top-tier institution takes time, hard work, dedication, and some careful planning. If you’re a student asking yourself “How do I get into Harvard?” or a parent wondering how to prepare your child for college, the first step is to develop an in-depth understanding of what goes into the application process and when you need to get started. Generally, students submit their undergraduate applications to Harvard

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NYU vs Columbia: Which School Is the Better One?

Monday, August 8, 2022

Students interested in going to school in New York City often prioritize two colleges: New York University (NYU) and Columbia University. Although these institutions are located in the same metropolitan area, New York City, there are several key differences between them.

Given each school’s unique characteristics, it can be challenging to compare NYU vs Columbia and choose one as the better option. Read on to learn more about how these two colleges stack up against each other and to learn what you should keep in mind when applying to either one.

Is It Easier to Get Into Columbia or NYU?

Both NYU and Columbia are top-tier universities that place a heavy emphasis on academic excellence. Each institution receives thousands of applications per year, and unfortunately, both need to turn plenty of promising students away. While both schools are competitive, Columbia is more selective than NYU. For the class of 2026, the admissions rate at Columbia was just 3.7% versus the admission rate of 12.2% at NYU for the same year.

Is NYU a Good School?

Though NYU may be less selective than Columbia,

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Princeton Interview: What Questions to Expect and How to Answer Them

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Princeton Virtual Interview

Interviews, especially college admissions interviews for top-tier colleges like Princeton, can be stressful.

Many students are eager to gain a seat at the university, which historically has low acceptance rates. A strong interview can definitely help applicants stand out for all of the right reasons. So, what does it take to ace the Princeton interview and set yourself apart from the pack?

What Is the Princeton Admission Interview Like?

For many high school students, the college admissions process may be the first time they’re participating in an interview. As a result, students typically have questions about the interview process, like how to get into Princeton and how to prepare for a college interview.

Every school has a slightly different interview process. At Princeton, undergraduate admissions interviews are 30-45 minute informal conversations where students can ask their alumni interviewer questions and discuss their educational and career goals. These interviews are optional, so applicants who opt out of selection for an interview on their Princeton application won’t be penalized.

However, just because the interview isn’t required doesn’t mean it won’t be worth your time.  The interview can be a great opportunity for students to learn more about Princeton

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What Is the Harvard Graduation Rate?

Wednesday, August 3, 2022
What Is the Harvard Graduation Rate?

Since Harvard University is one of the most competitive and academically rigorous colleges in the United States, applicants know that earning admissions can be a challenge. However, students are often less aware of the challenges they might face once they actually enroll at Harvard. Have you ever wondered about Harvard’s graduation rate?

Graduation rates measure how many students complete required coursework for a four-year program within six years of enrollment. Read on to learn more about Harvard’s graduation rate and how it compares to other colleges.

Why Are Retention and Graduation Rates Important?

Graduation rates are an important statistic because they serve as an indicator of how much support students have and the university’s commitment to helping students succeed. Similarly, retention rates are another valuable metric to consider because they provide a short-term view of how satisfied students are with their college experience. Graduation rates, unlike retention rates, are frequently factored into college ranking lists, like US News & World Report and Forbes.

What Is the Graduation Rate at Harvard?

According to the most

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What Is the Student Life at MIT Like?

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

Interior Of Busy University Campus Building With StudentsMany students with a passion for science and mathematics dream of attending a top-ranked STEM-focused school like MIT. The institution is known for its renowned faculty, robust alumni network, and ample research opportunities for both undergraduate students and graduate students.

While most aspiring applicants are well-versed in the school’s academic offerings, far fewer know what student life is like at MIT. Keep reading to learn more about MIT’s collaborative, hands-on, and curiosity-driven ethos, and how this manifests throughout their entire campus.

What Are Students Like at MIT?

When applicants are getting ready to apply to MIT, they should strive to get a full picture of what the school is like and the opportunities it has to offer. In addition to perusing the available fields of study and research opportunities, applicants should aim to learn more about the undergraduate student body.

Generally speaking, students at MIT are known for their intellectual curiosity, their commitment and dedication towards excelling in their chosen field, and their collaborative spirit. Since undergraduate students and graduate students both have the chance to participate in research, applicants should expect their peers to be proactive

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The 10 Best MIT Majors: What Should You Choose?

Friday, July 22, 2022

As a renowned research institution with acceptance rates that rival those of the Ivy League, pretty much all MIT majors will set students up with an unparalleled academic experience. However, there are a few programs and fields of study that have an edge above the rest of MIT’s top-tier offerings.

From aerospace engineering to biology, MIT has a wide array of majors for students to choose from. Keep reading to learn more about the best programs the school has to offer and what students should consider when selecting their major.

What Should You Major in at MIT?

Getting admitted to MIT is a major accomplishment, in and of itself. However, the work isn’t done once students set foot on campus for the first time; in fact, it’s just beginning. Since the Massachusetts Institute of Technology is highly competitive and exceptionally rigorous, students must also make sure that they choose their majors wisely.

While its math and science offerings are arguably what MIT is known for, the school offers a wide array of majors including Writing, Women’s and Gender Studies, and Political Science. Each program has its own opportunities, exciting classes, and renowned faculty, so

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10 MIT Notable Alumni: Who Are They and What Did They Achieve?

Friday, July 22, 2022

Most students who are passionate about science and technology are familiar with MIT. The university is a renowned research institution that provides students with ample opportunities to spearhead their own projects, learn from esteemed faculty, and make connections with MIT’s robust alumni network. 

There’s no shortage of famous names and faces when it comes to MIT’s community of alumni. In fact, there are thousands of successful MIT alumni who students can tap for advice, internship opportunities, and research positions. Keep reading to learn more about MIT’s most successful alumni and the impressive feats they have achieved.

Why Is MIT So Prestigious?

Given MIT’s reputation as one of the most prestigious schools in the country, it’s no surprise that the institution counts so many celebrities and famous names amongst their list of alumni. Much of what makes MIT special is the university’s unparalleled commitment to academic excellence. 

The grades and test scores that students need to be competitive in MIT’s admissions process are exceptionally high. In fact, in recent years the middle 50% score range for applicants admitted to MIT was a 790-800 in the Math section

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What Is MIT Known For?

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

MITMany high school students are familiar with Massachusetts Institute of Technology, or MIT. As the school’s name implies, the institution is renowned for its STEM offerings, including top-tier science and mathematics programs.

However, the university’s technological focus is far from the only reason MIT is special. Keep reading to learn more about this academically rigorous institution and the distinguishing factors that set MIT apart from other elite schools.

What Is So Special About MIT?

Given the array of differentiators that set MIT apart, it’s hard to pinpoint just one quality that makes MIT so special. Some of the key advantages that the school has to offer include its expertise in supporting students as they transform their technological ideas and visions into successful business realities. Former President of the United States, Bill Clinton once described MIT as “the best technology-transfer program in the country,” illustrating the school’s unparalleled academic caliber. Many successful MIT alumni have started their own companies during their time on campus, often by leveraging the research opportunities and resources that the institution has to offer.

How Hard Is It to Get Into MIT?

Since MIT is often viewed as one of

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