Seniors: Get a head start on your college apps this summer!

Class of 2028 Early Application Deadlines

Wednesday, August 9, 2023

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The first college application deadlines for the Class of 2028 will be here before you know it. Here are some of the early application deadlines students need to be aware of.

Applying Early

Applying to a college Early Decision or Early Action isn’t something to take lightly. Only apply to a school early if you are really ready to submit the best application possible and if it’s truly your top-choice college. Since some early programs are binding — meaning you have to enroll if admitted — it’s important to make sure you’re ready to make that commitment.

It’s also important to make sure you’re using the early application strategy to your advantage. If a school is your top-choice but your application isn’t ready, applying early could lead to a swift rejection — and you can’t reapply in the regular round. Even though early application admission rates tend to be higher than regular admission rates, it’s better to submit your best application in the regular round than a lackluster one early.

Early Application Deadlines for the Class of 2028

Here’s a list of upcoming early application deadlines for the Class of 2028. Don’t see your top-choice college on this list? Tell us in the comments below and we’ll add it!

School Early Application Deadline
Babson College ED I and EA: Nov. 1, 2023      ED II: Jan. 2, 2024
Barnard College ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Boston University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 4, 2024
Brown University ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Carnegie Mellon University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 3, 2024
Columbia University ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Cornell University ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Dartmouth College ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Duke University ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Emory University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 1, 2024
Georgetown University EA: Nov. 1, 2023
Harvard University REA: Nov. 1, 2023
Johns Hopkins University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 2, 2024
Middlebury College ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 3, 2024
MIT EA: Nov. 1, 2023
New York University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 1, 2024
Northwestern University ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Princeton University SCEA: Nov. 1, 2023
Stanford University REA: Nov. 1, 2023
Tufts University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 4, 2024
Tulane University ED: Nov. 1, 2023
EA: Nov. 15, 2023
ED II: Jan. 15, 2024
University of Chicago ED I and EA: Nov. 21, 2023
ED II: Jan. 4, 2024
University of Michigan EA: Nov. 1, 2023
University of Pennsylvania ED: Nov. 1, 2023
University of Virginia EA and ED: Nov. 1, 2023
Vanderbilt University ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 1, 2024
Washington University in St. Louis ED I: Nov. 1, 2023
ED II: Jan. 3, 2024
Williams College ED: Nov. 15, 2023
Worcester Polytechnic Institute EA I: Nov. 1, 2023
EA II: Jan. 5, 2024
Yale University SCEA: Nov. 1, 2023


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