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Tag: Course Planning

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Course Planning

Wednesday, January 17, 2024
IvyWise On-Demand: Class of 2028 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors

IvyWise On-Demand: Class of 2028 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors

Events Class of 2028 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors DATE AND TIME On Demand Free Watch Now ABOUT THIS EVENT As the Class of 2028 finishes up eighth grade and looks ahead to beginning high school, now is the perfect time to start thinking about how to make the most of their next few years. Join IvyWise college admissions counselors for a deep dive into the college application process and how you can set yourself up for success in high school. Attendees learn about selecting the right courses, developing their personal profile, and identifying the best-fit extracurricular activities and summer plans.
Wednesday, January 17, 2024
IvyWise On-Demand: Class of 2027 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors

IvyWise On-Demand: Class of 2027 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors

Events Class of 2027 College Application Primer With Former Admissions Directors DATE AND TIME On Demand Free Watch Now ABOUT THIS EVENT As the Class of 2027 finishes up their first year of high school, now is a great time to regroup on the past few months and plan ahead for the rest of high school. Join IvyWise college admissions counselors for a deep dive into the college application process and how you can set yourself up for success over the next few years of high school. Attendees learn about selecting the right courses, developing their personal profile, and identifying the best-fit extracurricular activities and summer plans.
Wednesday, January 5, 2022
The Benefits of Signing Up for Advanced Classes

The Benefits of Signing Up for Advanced Classes

By Robin, IvyWise College Admissions Counselor Enter any conversation about college admissions, and you will inevitably hear the word “transcript.” This all-important document presents an academic narrative of the applicant, showcasing the grades and courses the student has taken throughout their high school career. When college admissions officers read a student’s application, they not only review what grades the student has earned but also the rigor of the student’s course selection.
Friday, February 5, 2016
Importance of Course Rigor When Applying to College

Importance of Course Rigor When Applying to College

As students begin a new school semester, they will soon be meeting with their college counselors to begin planning for the summer and the next school year. One important part of the counseling process is ensuring that students are taking the proper courses that match their academic ability, interests, and ultimately their college admissions goals. For many students and parents, course selection can be an afterthought.
Monday, February 8, 2016
Self-Studying: What’s the Benefit and How to Do It

Self-Studying: What’s the Benefit and How to Do It

With an increasing number of new technologies and an expanding global population, self-studying is on the rise. Education is no longer confined to just the classroom, and some would argue that the classroom model is outdated and does not meet the intellectual needs of individuals in such an interconnected society. Being an autodidact, or self-teacher, has become increasingly feasible due to MOOCs (massive open online courses), Internet encyclopedias, and more colleges and universities offering courses online.
Sunday, February 2, 2020
How to Choose Your High School Courses

How to Choose Your High School Courses

The most important document in a college application, as I tell all my students, is the transcript. Admissions committees are keen on applicants who have challenged themselves and excelled academically throughout high school, not just in junior or senior year when they think it “counts.”  Given the transcript’s importance, you should thoughtfully consider what college prep courses to take each year and plan for subsequent years.
Wednesday, February 10, 2016
The Benefits of Honors Programs

The Benefits of Honors Programs

It is fairly common knowledge that most high schools offer honors and advanced placement courses for students looking to be challenged in their coursework. But did you know that colleges and universities also offer similar programs for undergraduate students through honors colleges? In some cases, high-achieving students are invited to enroll in a university's honors college upon acceptance, while other students seek out the honors track and apply to the honors college as part of their undergraduate admission.
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