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Updated: Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Colleges Open for On-Campus Visits

After more than a year without in-person college tours, some universities are reopening for on-campus visits. Visiting colleges can be a valuable opportunity for students to get a comprehensive picture of a potential best-fit school and begin envisioning themselves on campus.

While many prospective applicants may be eager to set foot on campus, not every college is reopening for in-person college visits immediately. Keep reading for a list of schools that are hosting in-person tours, as well as tips for making the most of the college search process, whether you’re touring on-campus or virtually.

Colleges Reopening for On-Campus Visits

Is your best-fit school reopening for on-campus visits this winter? Check this list for updates on the universities that will be welcoming prospective students onto their campus.

College Location
Amherst College Amherst, MA
Alvernia University Reading, PA
American University Washington, DC
Barnard College New York, NY
Bates College Lewiston, ME
Baylor University Waco, TX
Berea College Berea, KY
Boise State Boise, ID
Boston College  Chestnut Hill, MA
Boston University Boston, MA
Bowdoin College Rochester, NY
Brandeis University Saratoga Springs, NY
Brown University Providence, RI
Bryn Mawr College Hartford, CT
Bucknell University Lewisburg, PA
California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA
Carleton College New Orleans, LA
Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
Case Western Reserve University Charlottesville, VA
Claremont McKenna College Claremont, CA
Clemson University Clemson, SC
Colby College Waterville, ME
Colgate University Hamilton, NY
College of Charleston Charleston, SC
College of the Holy Cross Worcester, MA
College of William & Mary Williamsburg, VA
Cornell University (starting March 2022) Ithaca, NY
Davidson College Davidson, NC
Denison University Granville, OH
DePauw University Greencastle, IN
Dickinson College Carlisle, PA
Drexel University Philadelphia, PA
Duke University Durham, NC
Embry Riddle Daytona Beach, FL
Franklin and Marshall College Lancaster, PA
George Washington University Washington DC
Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA
Gettysburg College Gettysburg, PA
Grinnell College Grinnell, IA
Hamilton College Clinton, NY
Harvard University (starting spring 2022) Cambridge, MA
Haverford College Haverford, PA
Johns Hopkins University Baltimore, MD
Kenyon College Gambier, OH
Lafayette College Easton, PA
Lehigh University Bethlehem, PA
Loyola University Baltimore, MD
Macalester College St. Paul, MN
Marist College Poughkeesie, NY
Middlebury College Middlebury, VT
Miami University  Oxford, OH
Mount Holyoke College  South Hadley, MA
Muhlenberg College Allentown, PA
New York University New York, NY
Oberlin College Oberlin, OH
Occidental College Los Angeles, CA
Ohio Wesleyan University Delaware, OH
Pepperdine University Malibu, CA
Pitzer College Claremont, CA
Pomona College Claremont, CA
Rice University Houston, TX
Rochester Institute of Technology Rochester, NY
Sacred Heart University Fairfield, CT
Salve Regina Newport, RI
Scripps College Claremont, CA
Seton Hall University South Orange, NJ
Sewanee: The University of the South Sewanee, TN
Skidmore College Saratoga Springs, NY
Smith College Northampton, MA
SMU Dallas, TX
St. John’s University Queens, NY
Stanford University (starting mid-winter) Stanford, CA
TCU Forth Worth, TX
The College of Wooster Wooster, OH
The Ohio State University Columbus, OH
Trinity College Hartford, CT
Tufts University Medford, MA
Tulane University New Orleans, LA
Union College Schenectady, NY
United States Military Academy  West Point, NY
University of Alabama Tuscaloosa, AL
University of Arizona Tuscon, AZ
University of Arkansas  Fayetteville, AR
University of Chicago Chicago, IL
University of Florida Gainsville, FL
University of Georgia Athens, GA
University of Miami Coral Gables, FL
University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
University of Richmond Richmond, VA
University of Rochester Rochester, NY
University of Texas Austin Austin, TX
University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA
University of Wisconsin Madison Madison, WI
UT Knoxville Knoxville, TN
Vanderbilt University Nashville, TN
Vassar College Poughkeepsie, NY
Wake Forrest University Winston-Salem, NC
Washington and Lee University Lexington, VA
Wentworth Institue of Technology Boston, MA
Wesleyan University Middletown, CT
Whitman College Walla Walla, WA
Williams College Williamstown, MA

What can students do to make the most of on-campus tours?

If colleges on your best-fit list are reopening and you’re planning a visit, there are a few steps students can take to make the experience as impactful as possible. Best practices include:

Come Prepared

Avoid getting distracted by hunger or thirst by making sure you have all the essentials needed to give the tour your undivided attention. Rather than packing at the last minute, stay organized by planning out exactly what you will need to bring. Don’t forget to wear comfortable shoes, bring water and a snack, and take a notebook so you can jot down your first impressions.

Have Questions Ready

Brainstorm a list of questions that you would like to ask your tour guide. Give yourself some time to compose thoughtful questions that will help you learn more about the school you are visiting.

Follow Safety Protocols

Many colleges that are reopening for tours have their own safety guidelines in place, including submitting a negative COVID-19 test, proof of vaccination, and/or completing a health screening. Make sure you adhere to these guidelines so that you can safely enjoy the campus and make the most of your touring experience.

What should students do if their best-fit schools aren’t reopening for tours yet?

If the schools on your best-fit list aren’t reopening for tours just yet, don’t panic. After more than a year of virtual-only offerings, colleges have developed a breadth of digital resources for students who are hoping to learn more about their campuses. Top tips include:

Sign Up for A Virtual Information Session

If you’re looking to show demonstrated interest, make sure to schedule a virtual information session, which is typically led by an admissions officer or Dean of Admissions. Topics covered may include essay writing, the admissions process, financial aid, extracurricular activities, and campus life

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

Social media can be a valuable resource when it comes to learning more about your top choice colleges. Check out a school’s Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Snapchat, and even Tik Tok accounts to learn more about what the campus has to offer from a new perspective.

Don’t Forget About Virtual Tours

Many colleges are giving students the option to schedule either a live or pre-recorded virtual tour, which is usually led by a current student. Live virtual tours are usually 45 minutes-1 hour in length and feature key buildings and campus destinations.

Whether you’re attending on-campus or virtual tours, visiting schools is a crucial part of the college admissions process. If you’re getting ready to attend campus tours and looking for expert insight, our team of college admissions counselors can help you make the most of your experience.

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