Seniors: There's still time to get expert guidance on your college applications!
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Juniors: How to Get on Track with College Prep Before Summer Break

After three years of hard work, it is almost time for the Class of 2025 to apply to college! But what comes next? Join IvyWise college admissions counselors Judy and Tasha for a deep dive into the college application process and how you can set yourself up for success as you look ahead to the 2024-2025 college admissions cycle.

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How to Find Accurate College Acceptance Rates

Every year we hear about “record-low college acceptance rates” for a number of already highly selective colleges and universities. With more students applying to more colleges, it’s no surprise that many schools across the U.S. are seeing their admission rates drop; however, that’s not always the case for every institution.

When building your balanced college list, it’s important to understand how your profile stacks up against the most recently admitted class and the overall college acceptance rates for each school to which you plan to apply. There are a number of places to find this information, but it’s not always easy to find, so we’ll break it down for you:

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Time Management Tips for Students

Energy and sanity can run low when a pile of work is never ending. Managing good grades, performing well at a big game or academic competition, spending quality time with family, and maintaining a social life can be exhausting. That’s why every student should invest in a time management game plan.  

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The Essential Guide to Acing the College Application Process

While the application process may seem intimidating at first, every student’s college admissions journey is an opportunity to discover more about themselves and their academic goals. With the right strategy, all students will be able to identify their own best-fit schools and showcase why they deserve a spot on campus. 

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IvyWise Students Share Their Top College Prep Tips

For current high school seniors, the college application season is in full swing. We caught up with our Class of 2023 IvyWise Scholars to learn more about their college admissions journeys, what it’s like to work with IvyWise during this process, and get some of their college prep tips for other college-bound students.

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Which High School Classes Will Set You Up for Success in College? 

If you already know what field you want to study in college, or even have a general idea of your preferred discipline, taking some high school classes that align with your future college curriculum can save a lot of time and energy. But how do you know which high school classes will set you up for success in college?

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Columbia Interview Questions: What to Expect

Note: Starting with the 2023-24 application season, Columbia University is no longer offering alumni admissions interviews. 

For students who dream of attending an Ivy League university in a big city, Columbia University is often their top choice school. The college is renowned for its academic rigor and its core curriculum, which is the cornerstone of a Columbia education. Given these factors, it’s no surprise that gaining admission is exceptionally competitive.

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Princeton vs Harvard: Which One Should You Choose?

When most students think of top-tier colleges, Princeton and Harvard are likely some of the first schools to come to mind. Both institutions are members of the Ivy League that have plenty of famous alumni, as well as ample research and learning opportunities. 

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How to Set Test Prep Goals for 2020

Get a Head Start on Planning for the New Year

With the new year right around the corner, now’s the time to start thinking about your test prep goals for 2020. Whether you’re a freshman who is just beginning to think about college, a sophomore gearing up to start test prep, or a junior who is already in the thick of it, there are concrete steps that you can take in 2020 to get closer to achieving your test prep goals.

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College Trivia and Fun Facts

Test Your College Knowledge with These Fun College Trivia Questions

If you’re a high school junior applying to college next year, chances are you’ve been on a college visit or two and have spent a considerable amount of time researching different colleges and universities. Many students who have only a limited view of what colleges are like are sometimes shocked to find out how vastly different most institutions are from one another in terms of size, campus life, academics, athletics, and more. During your research and visits it’s likely you’ve learned a lot and picked up some interesting college facts along the way! Now it’s time to put your knowledge to the test with these fun questions.

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